Classes at Foundation Baptist College are available in two convenient scheduling formats:
Most of our courses are offered on a weekly basis over the course of a college semester. Some are offered in the morning while others are offered as evening courses.
Each semester we offer several courses on a block schedule. All classroom sessions for our block classes take place during a single week—with sessions in the evenings (Monday to Friday) and several sessions on Saturday.

A study of the unfolding theme of the Bible as it is revealed through the messages of the Pentateuch and the history, poetry and prophecy books of the Old Testament.
Su102 New Testament Messages (3 hours)
The unfolding theme of the Bible as it is revealed through the messages of the New Testament books, with discussion of key passages within each New Testament book.
Su201 Life of Christ (2 hours)
A survey of the life of Christ as recorded in the four canonical gospels, with an emphasis on the application of a traditional grammatical-historical hermeneutic to the biblical text. Provides essential background to a standard harmony of the gospels while preparing the student to interpret and apply gospel events and teachings to daily life.
Su202 Pentateuch (2 hours)
Overviews the five books of Moses to prepare the student for effective Christian service. Highlights interpretational difficulties, literary and theological analysis.
Su401 Historical Books (3 hours)
Overviews Joshua through Esther, emphasizing chronology and historical background. Highlights the introduction to each book (date of composition, author, occasion & purpose, and recipients) and themes. Discusses contemporary application.
Su402 Prophets (3 hours)
Overviews Isaiah through Malachi with an emphasis on chronology and Israel’s history. Highlights the function and ministry of the Old Testament prophet. Highlights the introduction to each book (date of composition, author, occasion & purpose, and recipients) and themes. Discusses contemporary application.
Su411 Paul’s Epistles (2 hours)
Overviews the Pauline epistles, focusing on the background and introductory material. Instructions concerning the preparation of lessons to be used in Sunday School class or in personal discipleship.
Su412 General Epistles (2 hours)
Overviews Hebrews through Jude, focusing on the background and introductory material. Discusses chronology and biography of the biblical authors.
Designed to broadly analyze the content of Genesis with a view to understanding its overall structure, including themes and sub-themes. Includes narrative analysis, preparing a message from an OT narrative passage, and general principles of interpretation and application.
Ex102 Exposition of Romans (2 hours)
Develops the central message of Romans and introduces background, theology and literary genre. Emphasizes personal study of Romans and applying Romans to the Christian life.
Ex201 John (2 hours)
Analyzes major theological themes and exposits select portions in John. Highlights hermeneutical principles vital to a proper exposition of John’s writings.
Ex202 Pastoral Epistles (2 hours)
An exposition of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. Applies the exposition to pastoral theology. Emphasizes the interpretation and application of the biblical text.
Ex203 Exposition of the Corinthians (2 hours)
An exposition of 1 and 2 Corinthians to prepare the student for effective Christian service. Emphasizes historical background, contextual interpretation, and contemporary application, highlighting simple methods of Bible study.
Ex204 Exposition of Isaiah (2 hours)
An exposition of the book of Isaiah emphasizing the book’s unified structure and thematic development. Includes discussion of how to structure a preaching series from Isaiah and vital hermeneutical principles within the book.
Ex210 Exposition of James (2 hours)
An exposition of James, emphasizing outlining skills, devotional reading and personal Bible study. Highlights thematic study.
Ex211 Exposition of Hebrews (2 hours)
An exposition of Hebrews, emphasizing the warning passages and the development of the author’s argument.
Ex212 Exposition of Judges (2 hours)
Combines the content and theology of Judges with introductory information and chronology, giving a comprehensive view of the time of Israel’s judges.
Ex213 Exposition of Daniel (2 hours)
An exposition of Daniel with an emphasis on eschatology from a premillennial, pretribulational framework.
Ex220 Deuteronomy (2 hours)
A class designed to familiarize the student with Deuteronomy. Attention will be given to introductory matters as well as the theological content and development of the book.
Ex301 Life of Peter (2 hours)
An exposition of Acts 1-12. Introduces Peter from the gospel records, and focuses on the apostle’s leadership in the early church. Emphasizes the historical background, contextual interpretation, and contemporary application of the text, tying the chronology of Peter’s life to Mark’s gospel and Peter’s epistles.
Ex302 Life of Paul (2 hours)
An exposition of Acts 13-28. Introduces Paul from Acts 9, and focuses on the apostle’s missionary endeavors in the early church. Emphasizes the historical background, contextual interpretation, and contemporary application of the text of Acts, tying the chronology of Paul’s life to his 13 epistles.
Ex303 Proverbs (2 hours)
A detailed explanation of the book of Proverbs. Discusses the nature of biblical and proverbial poetry and the genre of Proverbs. Highlights subject studies and comprehensive knowledge of Proverbs. Emphasis on gaining skills for applying Proverbs to daily life and teaching Proverbs to others (your own children, Sunday School, and preaching).
Ex304 Job & Ecclesiastes (2 hours)
An exposition of Job and Ecclesiastes. Focuses on the development of the theme of each book. Emphasizes how to teach both books.
Ex314 Exposition of Galatians (2 hours)
An exposition of Galatians, with an emphasis on legalism and the Christian’s use of the law.
Ex401 Exposition of the Psalms (2 hours)
Exposits select psalms representative of each genre and examines Hebrew poetry and the historical background of the Psalms.
Ex402 Exposition of Mark (2 hours)
An exposition of the gospel of Mark. Emphasizes its role in the synoptic gospels and its theme. Discusses how to interpret New Testament narrative as well as parabolic literature and discourse.
Ex403 Exposition of Revelation (2 hours)
Surveys the contents of Revelation. Focus given to interpretation, competing views, and teaching the book.
Th100 Big Picture Story of Scripture (3 hours)
Traces the meta-narrative of Scripture, working through each major era of the biblical story from creation to the fall, the cross and resurrection of Christ, and the grand conclusion in the new creation. In the process, this class introduces students to core biblical content and how to read Scripture with understanding and enjoyment. (A two-credit variant of this course is also available with fewer assignments.)
Th101 Systematic Theology I (2 hours)
Introduces the student to the two disciplines of theology (biblical & systematic), and covers Bibliology, Theology Proper, Angelology, Anthropology, and Christology.
Th102 Systematic Theology II (2 hours)
Covers soteriology, ecclesiology, pneumatology and eschatology. Highlights the controversy over miraculous gifts and a premillennial, pretribulational view of last things, in the context of a review of other Evangelical views of both doctrines.
Th103 Biblical Fundamentalism (2 hours)
This course examines the case of the present Evangelical Fundamentalist movement from Scripture and history. It presents the believer’s obligation to separate from false teachers, and persistently disobedient brethren both ecclesiastically and personally.
Th104 Bibliology (2 hours)
Defines the nature of Scripture as divine revelation and describes the history of the sacred text. Explains the theological and practical implications of the Bible’s inspiration and inerrancy while also summarizing the history of canonization, manuscript transmission, and translation.
Th105 Church History Survey (2 hours)
Surveys the people, places and dates most important in understanding how the Holy Spirit has been saving, sanctifying and organizing people for the past two millennia.
Th106 Baptist History (2 hours)
Traces the history of the present Baptist movement back to 17th century England. Examines the three primary theories of Baptist history and traces the spread of Baptist teaching throughout England, North America and the world.
Th200 Biblical Worldview (2 hours)
A constructive presentation of the Christian worldview via the biblical metanarrative of Creation, Fall, Redemption (CFR). Students will be taught to view Science, Government, Gender Roles, History, and Culture and the Arts through the lens of CFR.
Th201 Apologetics (2 hours)
An analysis and defense of the Christian worldview, together with an analysis and refutation of secular and religious alternative worldviews. Equips students to defend the core biblical doctrines and refute philosophical, historical, archeological and scientific claims against the Bible.
Th202 The Doctrine of God (2 hours)
Presented from a classical Trinitarian perspective, overviews the character and works of the true God. Identifies and refutes significant, relevant heresies.
Th301 Soteriology I (3 hours)
A biblical survey of the doctrines of man, sin and salvation from a penal, substitutionary sacrificial point of view. Discusses anthropology, hamartiology, and soteriology, surveying the history of each doctrine, various positions. Exposits and applies select passages.
Th302 Soteriology II (3 hours)
Resumes the doctrine of salvation with the doctrines of conversion, regeneration, union with Christ, justification, sanctification and glorification. Prerequisite: None.
Th303 Church History I (2 hours)
Covers the period of church history from the first century to the Reformation. Emphasizes the development of the church’s preaching, organizational structure, and doctrinal understanding.
Th304 Church History II (2 hours)
Covers the period of church history from the early stages of the Reformation in Germany, Switzerland and England. Traces the separation of Protestantism from the apostate Romanist church. Highlights denominational diversity, the development of the great confessional statements of doctrine, the spread of Christianity throughout the world, and modern church difficulties.
Th305 Sanctification (2 hours)
Presents how the believer can progressively change to become more like Jesus Christ. Examines God’s provision and plan to sanctify His children, exposes flawed views of sanctification, and equips the student to pursue biblical change in his own life as well as in the life of others
Th311 Theology of Prayer (2 hours)
Combines a study of prayer spanning both testaments with expositions of numerous biblical prayers, formulating a well-grounded theology of prayer. Students are instructed concerning the kinds of prayer presented in Scripture and are taught how to pray.
Th312 Early Church History (2 hours)
Focuses on church history from the close of the New Testament to the time of Augustine of Hippo. Traces the development of the church and church doctrine. Emphasizes church councils and significant influential early church leaders.
Th313 Reformation (2 hours)
Focuses on Luther, Calvin and Tyndale with the background of the pre-reformation period. Examines the contribution of each reformer to the doctrine and prosperity of the Reformation.
Th401 Eschatology (2 hours)
Reviews the history of eschatology, focusing on the progress of the doctrine in the last two centuries. Argues for a dispensational view of Scripture. Examines the present Church age, two advents of Christ, the Great Tribulation of the saints, the kingdom of Christ, the final judgments and eternity. Examines competing views in each subject.
Th402 Ecclesiology (2 hours)
A practical class designed to familiarize the student with Baptist ecclesiology, based on a biblical theology of the church. Discusses the nature and images of the church and highlights church leadership, ordinances and functions of the New Testament church.
Th403 Canadian Baptist History (2 hours)
A chronological outline of the Baptist movement in Canada in the context of its greater Evangelical heritage. Emphasis on the beginnings of the Baptist movement in the 18th century tracing its movement westward in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Th411 Pneumatology (2 hours)
Discusses the person and work of the Holy Spirit and examines several contemporary issues in pneumatology. Including the functions and existence of the miraculous gifts in the contemporary church and a thorough examination and refutation of Charismatic theology.
Th412 History of Fundamentalism (2 hours)
Surveys the American Fundamentalist movement in the context of the growth of 19th century Liberalism and the Downgrade Controversy.
Th413 Dispensationalism (3 hours)
A comprehensive look at the overall structure of the Bible including the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. Emphasis given to the foundational distinctives of the dispensational system and the differences between it and Covenant theology and a discussion of classical and progressive dispensational.
Th414 Theology of Missions (2 hours)
An examination and systemization of the teaching of Scripture on the subject of missions and evangelism. Includes an analysis of Israel’s relationship to the nations and a comparison and contrast of the New Testament model with various models in contemporary missiology.
Th415 Biblical Strategy of Missions (2 hours)
Study of a biblical philosophy of missions and basic biblical strategies. Evaluation of theories of the mission process, and current trends in Protestant missions. Also covers missionary problems, current literature and a geographical survey of missions needs.
Th416 Modern Evangelicalism (2 hours)
An examination and analysis of the most influential thinkers and movements within North American evangelicalism in the 21st Century. Special attention will be given to the theological and philosophical underpinnings that frame local church practice.
Pr101 Preparing Bible Messages (2 hours)
Discusses the methodology for preparing a message from a biblical text. Defines exposition and details the steps of explanation and application.
Pr102 Delivering Bible Messages (2 hours)
Emphasizes the mechanics of message delivery. Provides the students (men and women) 4-5 opportunities to deliver a Bible message to a class or small group. Explains proper message organization, proper use of voice and gestures, and meaningful interaction with the audience.
Pr103 Personal Evangelism (2 hours)
Establishes the believer’s obligation to evangelize. Demonstrates both the theology and methodologies for carrying out this obligation.
Pr104 Christian Living (2 hours)
Contrasts virtue and vice passages in the New Testament with an aim toward sanctification and proper Christian character. Emphasizes marriage and home life.
Pr110 Practical Ministry Skills (2 hours)
A practical and comprehensive examination of ministry skills. Topics include interacting with people, organizing ministry, church administration, ministry finances, involvement in and maintenance of facilities, and management skills.
Pr120 Internship 1 (1 hour)
Required for One-Year and Four-Year program students. Requires regular participation in local church ministry.
Pr121 Internship 2 (1 hour)
Required for One-Year and Four-Year program students. Requires regular participation in local church ministry. Prerequisite: Pr120.
Pr201 General Counseling (2 hours)
A survey of biblical counseling principles designed to promote the sanctification of the Christian. Equips the student to disciple and counsel others using sound counseling methodologies.
Pr203 Writing and Grammar (2 hours)
Focuses on the skills of writing and grammar to better prepare the student in communication. Highlights diagramming Scripture and basic writing skills.
Pr204 Hermeneutics (2 hours)
Focuses on principles of hermeneutics. Equips the student to accurately explain and apply the Scripture.
Pr220 Internship 3 (1 hour)
Required for Four-Year program students. Requires regular participation in local church ministry. Prerequisite: Pr121.
Pr221 Internship 4 (1 hour)
Required for Four-Year program students. Requires regular participation in local church ministry. Prerequisite: Pr220.
Pr303 Philosophy of Counseling (2 hours)
Introduction to biblical counseling, both theologically and practically. Lays an historical and theological foundation for counseling. Highlights the development of effective counseling procedures as well as the discussion of specific issues and problems in counseling.
Pr304 Family Counseling (2 hours)
Built on the foundation laid in Pr104 (Christian Living) and Pr303 (Philosophy of Counseling), examines the biblical teaching concerning marriage and the home. Develops counseling methodologies helpful in addressing and solving common problems.
Pr306 Church Planting (2 hours)
Combines a biblical philosophy of church planting and missions with a particular focus on church planting in Canada. Offers hands-on ministry in a northern Alberta planting church and a biblical philosophy of missions.
Pr320 Internship 5 (1 hour)
Required for Four-Year program students. Requires regular participation in local church ministry. Prerequisite: Pr221.
Pr321 Internship 6 (1 hour)
Required for Four-Year program students. Requires regular participation in local church ministry. Prerequisite: Pr320.
Pr401 Biblical Strategy of Missions (3 hours)
Study of a biblical philosophy of missions and basic biblical strategies. Evaluation of theories of the mission process, and current trends in Protestant missions. Also covers missionary problems, current literature and a geographical survey of missions needs.
Pr404 Crisis Counseling (2 hours)
Applies sound counseling principles to the crises of life. Presents counseling methodologies helpful in addressing and solving life’s most serious problems.
Pr405 Church Music (2 hours)
Reviews the history of church music, emphasizing the rise of 20th century Contemporary Christian Music and its influence on evangelicalism. Presents the place of music in the biblical concept of worship. Attention given to the development of a policy of church music.
Pr411 Pastoring the Small Church (2 hours)
A practical and comprehensive examination of the obligations and responsibilities of the Western Canada small church pastor. Discuses church administration, finances, management skills, people skills, and ministry.
Pr412 Church Administration (2 hours)
Focuses on the administration of larger church. Discusses the pastor’s interaction with people and their organization in a church. Topics include managing and organizing ministry, working with people in a larger church setting, planning and budgeting, and designing and maintenance of facilities.
Pr420 Internship 7 (1 hour)
Required for Four-Year program students. Requires regular participation in local church ministry. Prerequisite: Pr321.
Pr421 Internship 8 (1 hour)
Required for Four-Year program students. Requires regular participation in local church ministry. Prerequisite: Pr420.
Introduction to the phonology, vocabulary, grammar and syntax of biblical Greek.
AL202 Elementary Greek II (3 hours)
Reinforcement and development in the basic principles of Greek grammar and syntax. Prerequisite: AL201.
AL301 Greek Grammar I (3 hours)
Development of working knowledge of the vocabulary, grammar, and syntax of the Greek New Testament. Includes translation of selected passages. Prerequisite: AL202.
AL302 Greek Grammar II (3 hours)
Reinforcement and continued development of a working knowledge of the vocabulary, grammar and syntax of the Greek New Testament. Includes translation of selected passages. Prerequisite: AL301.
AL401 Matthew in Greek (2 hours)
Translation and exegesis of the first Gospel, with studies in syntax and vocabulary. Prerequisite: AL301.
AL402 Titus in Greek (2 hours)
Exegesis of Titus, with study of forms, syntax and vocabulary. Emphasizes the use of the Logos Bible program in sermon preparation. Prerequisite: AL301.