December, 2023
Welcome to December
This month completes a very profitable semester. We were grateful to see a solid increase in students with a total of 55 students across all of our classes. Foundation Baptist College exists for two closely related purposes: (1) to prepare future pastors for ministry and (2) to strengthen members of local churches. We were delighted to see that happen in multiple ways this semester.

Pastoral Theology (grad level) deepened relationships between four local pastors and multiple men who are in the ministry right now. Several took the class because they are currently exploring whether they might be called to ministry. We received strong feedback from men who benefitted from this class.
An attendee in our class on Personal Evangelism commented that it led to a mini-awakening for him—causing him to pay attention freshly to the needs around him.

Only last January, our Greek students were just learning the alphabet. This week they finished translating the entire book of 1 John. Now they’re excited to translate portions of Luke and all of Colossians next semester.

One of our certificate students recently took up the challenge to read through the entire Bible in seven days and plans to clear out her Christmas holiday to read full-time for seven days.
Paperwork isn’t Fun but it Creates Opportunities!
We are also excited about several new initiatives and opportunities.
1. We clarified our legal right to grant degrees with the Department of Advanced Education and we are prayerfully pursuing designated institution status that will bring a number of benefits to our students.
We have completely reworked our course structure and degree pathways. Our students have more options than ever before to pursue a program that fits their specific needs.
2. We are pursuing a partnership with Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa. Like our existing partnership with Maranatha Baptist University, this will open more pathways for our graduates.
3. We will receive a preliminary site visit in January, beginning our journey towards accreditation with ABHE. This will be a long road paved with lots of paperwork, but we know it will strengthen our programs.
4. We have completely rebuilt our course structure and degree pathways. Our students have more options than ever before to pursue a program that fits their specific needs.

Upcoming Classes!!!
We have a full slate of classes that we’re excited about. All of these classes are available online in a wide variety of schedules.

As always, every class is available both in person and online and for audit or credit. We hope you’ll join us!
As a thank you for joining this newsletter we want to share a free resource each time. We hope you’ll enjoy this free download—a study of the letters to the seven churches in Revelation. Thank you for reading!
Prayer Requests
Pray for our accreditation preliminary site visit on January 25 and all of the paperwork that needs to be done before then. This is a colossal job but entirely worth it!
Pray that we can complete the pathway to being a designated institution in Alberta, opening pathways for immigration and even student aid.
Pray for the students who have expressed interest in classes for the Fall. We are seeing a definite increase in interest and we want to serve these students well.
Pray that God would call men to the ministry in Alberta and that we could be part of helping to prepare them.